Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Reason I hate taper

I've made a decision.
If I survive this marathon, and if, by some lapse in mental sanity, I decide that I am going to run another marathon I am going to for-go the taper.


Because I am SICK!!!

All those lovely people I have been spending most of my time with have been sick. I thought that since I was eating well, and taking my vitamins and feeding vitamins to other people that I would be fine and I would get sick after the marathon, which would not be a big deal, because the race was already one.

Last night, I went to bed thinking that i had drank too much water. I had a wicked headache and weird feeling in my tummmy tums. I went to bed and woke up with a wicked sore throat. OH CRAP, I thought to myself, as I proceeded to make the executive decision to hang low, read the notes on what I was supposed to learn that day and make my way to the doctor.

I then went and purchased some Cold FX, and halls, and a runners world. After that I looked at my lists. The lists of all the things I had to do this week, and cut down any unneccessary things. I am pretty confident that I was doing wayyyy tooo much for post marathon week. For example, tomorrow instead of running all hours of the day, I'm going to class, 'reading for classes' (or checking the weather again, and planning my race strategy) going to get my pants and then going to my clinic. Thankfully I have a speaker to do the race prep talk...

If I did it, it would sound something like this:

ustjay rinkday otslay foay aterway nday ontday rytay nythingnay ewnay. ownay etslay ogay otay ateay astapay.

So, I'm sick. But I am thinking UBER positively because the power of positive thoughts will help to make me healthy!!!

Yeah. That's about the state of me right now. I just saw the "Spirit of the Marathon."
You laugh, you cry, your there running right along with them.

It's coming out on October 7th. It's mine on October 7th.

I've got my mantras figured out as well:
  • I'm strong, I'm fit, I trained for this!
  • Pain is temporary, pride is forever!
  • sometimes the walls are there so we can prove how much we really want something-from the last lecture.
  • It's the long run that puts the Tiger in the Cat
  • Run Strong, Think Big, Be Proud

And I'll also change my language to "I can" and "I will" instead of "Can't"

I need to make my playlist still. Bags are pretty much packed. As soon as I have my kit my race stuff will be packed and set out. Yeah yeah. Yeah yeah yeah.

I'm in marathon mode. And I'm excited. and scared out of my mind.

3 days. Expect a frantic post or two before Sunday. The race is on Sunday. In like 3 days. Or less!!!




At 5:57 AM , Blogger yumke said...

Sleep, drink lots of water and stay in bed. You can beat this cold in a day if you let your body rest!

Saw the marathon doc last time it was showing in Toronto to a packed crowd . Saw it three weeks before my last marathon. It was inspiring -- i preordered a copy already.

At 6:01 AM , Blogger Wes said...

I hope this passes quickly! You can handle this Tiger!! Just try and do everything right so you are 100% at the start line!!!

At 7:10 AM , Blogger Lily on the Road said...

You are SO READY, the little engine that could!!!

see you Saturday!

At 7:54 AM , Blogger Marlene said...

Holy crap girl! We are so close!

I REALLY hope you feel better! Rest up as much as you can.

"Pain is temporary, pride is forever!"

I love this one and I'm totally stealing it.

At 8:43 AM , Blogger Nitmos said...

That's right, stay positive. A cold should subside in 3 days. You've worked hard. You will summon the energy, if only for those few hours that day, to complete this. Good luck!

At 9:45 AM , Blogger Tanya said...

Tiger, you have come SO FAR! You can and you will conquer the mighty marathon!

At 11:09 AM , Blogger Chic Runner said...

I keep vitamin C right next to my desk at work and just took two because I remembered my sick week last week. I know your pain, Get better soon. xoxo

At 11:37 AM , Blogger Gotta Run..... said...

I will let you in on a little secrect...... you will SOOOO want to do another marathon after yo feel how great it is to cross the finishline.

At 8:23 PM , Blogger Arcane said...

hang in there. Just take it easy and get plenty of rest. Good luck on Sunday!


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