Thursday, October 25, 2007

Stress Test...


apparently I called my mom during Yesterday's tempo run. I have a cell phone that I listen to music on, and I let it play but I had taken them out and on my headphones theres a microphone and if you push the button the last person you called it redails...

Now, I have explained to you that she's crazy, correct? Well..

She is CONVINCED that I need to get a stress test..

Ok, well all know that if, during a tempo run you can talk to the person next to you with great ease, that YOUR NOT WORKING HARD ENOUGH! In terms of Heart Rate training, etc. it should be 80-90% of your maximum heart rate...

Now, my heart does beat fast, and we have been through this, but seriously.


So then, What do I do? Do I...
a) Appease the crazy mother of mine and get a stress test (prescribed of course by my family doctor or

b) Brush it off..
Now normally I wouldn't worry anything about it BUT...what ifffff....the doctor said something along the lines of..."You can't run again..."

And of course I don't predict it would happen, but sometimes I do have pains in my neck, on the pulse points (the corrouted artery), but thats when Im going retardedly fast or when I had something odd to eat the night before...And the pain usually goes along with me not being able to breathe...

Hmmm. I dunnnoooo.

Anyways, I dropped out of speed work today, I am SOOOO SORE!!!!

Gonna relax and hope that soon Ill be able to 'Go up for air' in terms of this homework...

In other news, I bought my halloween costume today! GOOD DEAL! Last year, I was the cat in the hat. I have the best costumes EVER! This year, me and my best friend are being cowgirls for halloween! I got the ugliest boots in the whole entire world! They were only $5 but still loll they are so funny looking. I will post pictures after halloween. No Spoiling surprises until then...

I just want to go to sleep...=(



At 8:16 PM , Blogger Wes said...

Nite, Tiger! Yea, blow off that stress test. Tell crazy mom you did it and you were fine...

At 9:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Appease the crazy mother of yours, and then you can have your max heart rate tested at the same time.


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