Special Report

Thank you for coming. No, I haven't fallen of the face of the planet, I have just been busy. Here is the complete run down of FROSH week so far.
Sunday: Get there, find the commuter room. Put my stuff there. Pick up FROSH kit. Walk parents to find food, then to Orientation. Go to Stong Pond, where I meet with several other Frosh and some Frosh Bosses. Everyone is really friendly, introducing themselves, and asking each other about there majors. The colleges are broken down into majors, and my college has mostly Kinesiology and English majors. Play icebreaker games and learn the cheers and chants the colleges have made up. They are pretty fun. Find out that there is a war between the colleges and learn the mean cheers we made to psych them out. Two hour break, meet people in the Common Room. Realize that we have to fend for ourselves for dinner, so find a few others to walk to the campus mall with. They are cool. Get our food and return to the Common Room. Eat icecream. Get to know everyone. Play a few games of guess who and sorry. Then, it's time for the Electric tea party. They give you a t-shirt and some highlighters and you write on each others shirts...Go back to the commuter room about 1:30am. Fall asleep by about 2:30...Wake up at 7:30...Yeah.
Monday: So tired. Go to icebreakers again. Then have lunch--a $2.00 buffet. It wasn't very good. More icebreakers, insanium cranium and more fun. Wait around with some friends, and then have dinner. That night is a hypnotist show. Ha. That was hilarious. I am glad to have been watching rather than being a volunteer. Hop on the go bus. Mom meets me at square 1. Complain to her that in University, you don't get fed. It's 11pm by now, so we stop for fast food. Eww soo gross. But, oh so good.
Tuesday: Go back to York. Decide that I didn't want to go to Stongapalooza, so I went for the days activities. We had messy games. It was awesome. I got corn syrup and cracckers all over me. It wouldn't have been in my hair, had one of the Frosh bosses pointed out that my hair was too clean. Then, instead of condiment twister, we had a food fight. Good thing my friend was prepared with soap and towels and stuff. It was Spartan vs. Dragon Wars in the afternoon. Big water fight. It seriously was like the movie 300. We were outnumbered. We would have won if the others weren't cheaters. It was all in good fun though. Clean up after the water fight and head back to the commuter room. Head home. B.E.A.T. Sleep when I get home, after I put laundry in. Had to pack for the next day you know. Woke up about 8pm, due to the people putting my new bed together. Had to take kids out somewhere...at 8pm...went to the playplace at Mcdonalds. Eww. More Gross food.
Wednesday: I skipped this day. I was completely and utterly exhausted. As in, I couldn't function. Ended up having to go to York so my mom could sign something...Hm. Came home and helped to tidy. Slept. Ate real food for once.
Thursday: 10am, Whirly ball. It combines bumper cars, with wiffle balls and basketball nets. It is SO fun. IF you EVER get the chance to play it, jump on it. It's awesome. Went back, grabbed a Toronto Hot dog at the hotdog stand (that they have on campus I might add). Rushed back to the bus and headed out for wild water kingdom. It was cold. Went on one waterslide, the wave pool and the lazy river. Ate retardedly overpriced food. Found out the party was going to suck but we were too late for the first bus so we hung around until 1o. It was cold, and my throat hurt and it sucked. Went back and walked around campus. Met the GOSAFE guy, and went to a movie that had already finished. Walked back. I think I scared the GOSAFE guy because I asked him hundreds and thousands of questions. Yep. Safety first.Went to bed at about 2.
Friday: Downtown adventure. Went downtown Toronto and had to go on a photo scavenger hunt. Got a little bit frustrated cause we were lost. Jumped into 2 fountains. Lost my watch (which might have been picked up by one of the Frosh Bosses) and then our group gave up on the pics and took the pics that we wanted too. We made a human pyramid, and were going to cut stuff out of construction paper. It was fantastic. We went to a place called Joe Badali's and paid 20$ for a buffet...of pasta. So, I decided that I was going to eat 20$ worth of pasta. Hahah. I won't tell you how many plates I had. But I was "carbo loading" for that run Im going to do today. After that we headed to the Blue Jays game. Normally baseball is boring but this time it was AWESOME! We got to scream our heads off...I had a crackly voice by the end. It was fun. Went back to York, by 11:30. At midnight we headed off to play Calumet at a game of Glow in the Dark Capture the flag. That was fun. It took til 1:30. Went to bed. Australian Frosh Boss was playing his Guitar and singing. I fell asleep to that!
Saturday: Woke up 10 min before I had to be out of the room. Got dressed, and went for breakfast. Had a bagel and chocolate milk. Sat down for a bit and called my mom. Mentioned that I wanted to come home. Went to Wonderland. Went on scary rides and had scarily priced food. Went home. Dozed off on the bus, and mentioned to some friends that I wanted to plan a trip to Lake Placid in December. Good idea. Went back to the commuter room, and got my stuff and met my mom at the bus area. Talked to them. Asked my mom to cook me veggies. We went out for Greek food. Mmmm..Greek food is sooo good~! Came home and found my computer sitting on my bed. That's where this report is coming from! Went to bed as early as I could.
Sunday: Today my plan was to get up and run with the running room at 8:30--I haven't run all week but I have been ridiculously active. Lots of running games and just constant going going going. Went out to buy a wireless router and found out that it doesn't work on Windows Vista so I have to return it! Grrr. I'll do it later though. Soon as it cools down a little, I will go for a short run with whatever I can get out of this tired body of mine.
I want to let everyone know that I have NEVER craved vegetables so much until this week. All I wanted was an apple and brocoli and cauliflower and a peach. And water. Geez. I needed water. all weekk. They had lots of pop but no water. ahh.
As we speak I am boiling carrots, and contemplating downing 1000 litres of water. Ok..eggaturating.
Like I have mentioned before, this summer seems to have been nothing more than maintenance as far as running goes. Im going to sign up for the "Race the house or rock the mouse" clinic at the running room, which gets us ready for a January marathon...So, really I am building my base, for the Chili, and Around the Bay, and my Mississauga which Mr.Science teacher will be running. So, no fall races. I want to join a bunch of intermurals. Intermural swimming too. intramural cross country. It'll be awesome. I'll run around campus too, cause I have BIG spaces in between classes. It's gonna all work out. I am not to worried. Not any more atleast, I am more excited than anything.
And I am bringing my own lunch most of the time too--partly for cost, partly for healthfullness. I am telling you I can only eat so many hotdogs and hamburgers and Fries. Seriously. I don't think I'll be able to eat them EVER again.
So, I think thats all I have to tell you...Hopefully the posts won't be so few and far between. Im going to have a nap, then get a new router for my computer. Tomorrows the boat cruise..
Wednesday is school.
Im so t.i.r.e.d. And i have a little bit of a cold so I dont feel bad skipping the beach.
Take care friends. I'll catch up soon.
sounds like quite the busy week! Good luck with recovery and your first term in university. You're only a frosh once so enjoy it.
Sounds like a crazy busy times! Enjoy it and soak it all up, you only go around once :-)
That brings back memories from my freshman year, except my schedule went something like this: look at girls, eat, look at girls, drink beer, hit on girls, drink more beer, sleep, repeat.
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