Friday, May 16, 2008

2007-2008 Fall Winter Grade Report/Test Results

Ok folks,
So I thought I would share with you my first year grades.
I'm definately okay with them considering the kind of year its been. Mother being hospitalized 3 days into first year and a bunch of other crazy things that happened.
So, without further adieu, here they are:

Introduction to Health and Fitness: B
Sociocultural Perspectives in Kinesiology: C+
Worlds of Childhood: B (Somehow!)
Introduction to Psychology: D

Note: I am like ridiculously extactic with that D. I went to psych class, and basically tuned out everything that was going on because it was everything that i was trying to run away from; with them telling me all the poor prognosis' and that there was no hope for any of those psychological diseases. I went into the exam with like a 46% and came out with a D. That grade, my friends, feels like an A.

Swimming: A
Track and Feild: Pass

So that's that. My overall GPA was 4.89 and I am allowed to continue in Kinesiology. Sigh, I'm so happy.

In other news, member how I mentioned that my mom had a test on her heart that could stop it, well it didn't stop, lol. But now we get the results a week sooner than people normally get the results. So that makes me worried. But, I'm not going to worry worry until I get some actual results. They come in today at 12pm. So, yeah. Just think some positive vibes my way, cause hearts are important!

I'll update on training (or lack there of) and Summer-Fall race schedule tomorrow or the next day, the only decision being if I go out to drink or not tomorrow.

Good luck to everyone who is racing this weekend! I cannot wait for those race reports!!!!



At 5:27 AM , Blogger Wes said...

Transitioning to University can be so hard. Those are really good grades. Much better than my first year :-) I'll keep your mom in my prayers!!

At 6:11 AM , Blogger Lily on the Road said...

Excellent grades Tiger, just catching up on all your news! Good job on your 1/2!! You were flying girl....

Your mom is absolutely in my prayers...keep up all those positive thoughts!!

At 7:37 AM , Blogger Nitmos said...

Best of luck with those heart results.

At 7:45 AM , Blogger Marcy said...

Sending some vibes, chica! :-)

Go out and have yourself at least one cocktail. You deserve it :-)


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