Rite of Passage
So, friends, we are about 10 minutes post first mid-term.That probably did not make any sense. BUT, I just finished my first midterm.
I was pulling all nighters the last two nights, so I didn't really have time to blog about my fantastic Sunday Runs...That's what you've been hearing about lately,isn't it? Sunday runs?
Well, after tomorrow, that is about to change...
Tommorow marks the day that I am basically off school until next Year (January 3rd). I have 2 exams between now and then. And no all night cramming to do. I figure if I can study for anywhere beteween 3-4hrs a day, for each exam, then I should be set. And it doens't have to be all at once. I can study for a few hours when I wake up in the morning, go for a one or two hour run, and then go back and study (and nap and shower). One hour on, 30 minutes off sounds like a good combination after my daily run. Yes. Daily.
I say it's worth a shot, since I have extra time on my hands...right? Right. And of course the listen to your body blah blah blah...

So, I have a run to tell you about...
This is the rite of passage run, or so I think..
We ran from the Port Credit Running Room To Union Station...It's about 29k or so. 29k STRAIGHT OUT. As in One way. As in, theres no turning back to come back to the store and use the bathroom or get a drink.. We had drinks planted at the 8 mile mark, which is also where we met up with the half marathon group.
Friday night I was at work til about midnight, and got up Saturday morning to go back to work for another 14 hrs. I came home, packed my running bag, (which consisted of a sweater, my boots, a winter jacket, skinny jeans, a hairbrush and deoderant/perfume). Finally at about 2am that morning, I was in bed!
Woke up immediatly at 7:15, and put a bagel in the toaster, put on my running clothes, filled up my fuel belt and made sure that i had enough gels, and laid back on the couch. And Fell asleep.I was then rudely awoken, and told to get to the car. So to the car I go with my bag and my phone and everything else.
Get to the Running room, and take the only potty break I can have for 3 hours...atelast...So. then we start to run. And we ran. And we ran. Everything was pretty flat, and it was really pretty too. We ran past (sorta) the houses that I built (for habitat for Humanity) and through the Toronto "ghetto"...
And I took 4 gels. On an empty stomach. Yeah, I forgot to mention. Member how I said I put a bagel in the toaster...? I forgot to take it out of the toaster! Crazy me.
So we run over this crazy icy bridge and up this crazy stupid hill and I was cursing Robb, but that's ok. He sadi that as long as I am cursing him, then he's doing his job. All for a marthon I am not even running. Haha.
So then, just when I thought it was never going to end, it was UP THE STREET AND AROUND THE CORNER!! Yay. So we sorta half stretched, and then we sorta waddled over like a million miles to get to where the car was parked with our bags. And then we sorta waddled to get changed and then we did some more waddling to the car. It was fun. Like I mean, now I think it was fun, but it was definately not fun when I got there. IT stopped being fun about Ontario Place...
Then we started running landmark to landmark. I wanted the landmarks to be like very close together but they were like, getting farther and farther away. We had a nice lunch (Mmmm chicken fingers) and headed back to Union station to get on the Go Train. And we road the train home and Rick picked me up.
So I was supposed to run for like 3.5 hrs, which I did...But.. then...
I didn't get home until like 3:30 in the afternoon...so it was like a 7hr run. I had a nap, then a bath, did an hour or 2 of studying, had another nap, and then went to bed. My family swore that I would fall asleep in the tub cause I was soo tired.
Yeah. So I really enjoyed the myself. We ran for about three and a half hours, but it felt like we ran for like I dunno. Not 3.5hrs though. It felt really blurry. I remember a point at about Ontario place where I wanted to stop and cry. Andd i had a cold. Did I forget to mention that too? My lungs were not very happy with me either.
But I made it. Cause Im like that. The next day my quads told me loud and clear that I would not be walking down any stairs. Yeah. They did. I was not too impressed with them. And then I stayed up all night studying for this midterm. And then tongiht Im making notes for the 4 chapters I am studying for my Psych midterm. And then going home to be sleeping and then be happy once tomorrow at 4:30 comes.
One step at a time, one lightpost at a time, one mile at a time- Terry Fox
Ok, so that's it for my milestones, and rite of passage runs, and blabbering on about exams.
Good day my friends, I'll come visit your blogs tomorrow promptly at 6:00 pm toronto time :P!
P.S. Know what my mom asked me the other day>? She said, Tiger, do you eat?!
Seriously she is blind or something. I eat. Alot. gah.
Cool run, chica! That experience will serve you well!
Great job! Way to stick it out and finish that ordeal!
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